Donate & Volunteer

Community Farm with Heart & Soul

We are proud to be growing community connection, love of nature, and the simple joys of traditions like gardening, cooking, animal care and sustainable living. As a Non-Profit, we cannot do it without you.  If you’d like to make a contribution, rest assured, it will go towards keeping Wardwell Farm thriving and serving the community. It keeps the animals fed, the lights on, the teachers teaching, the art materials stocked, the gardens growing, plus so much more!

As we look ahead to 2025, we’re so grateful for all our new community that we have built over the course of the year.  We have met many of you at the Farm Camp garden gate and spent countless hours playing on the farm with hundreds of Bainbridge Island children and beyond!  We have learned a great deal about what it takes to run this operation and to put out beautiful, meaningful programming for our community. 

Many of you have expressed interest in lending a hand one way or another or working collaboratively to support our little farm. There are many ways to help: donate time, donate materials, or donate funds.  Please feel free to reach out below to let us know how you might like to support Wardwell. 

As a 501-3c entity, we will be happy to provide you with a letter acknowledging your donation for tax purposes. Thank you again for your support. Simply scan the large DONATE code below. Please know that every little bit helps! 



Donate Materials or Volunteer

Fill out the form below:

Here at the farm, we love to repurpose and reuse as much as we can! If you have supplies and materials that you think we can use in our educational programming, such as gently used art supplies, paper tubes, corks, small jars, wood scrap, etc, please connect with us through the form below. We will arrange a date for drop off.

If you think you would like to join our volunteer crew, drop us a line! There are many ways to help out– from shaping the garden and layering compost, to fixing structures, to clearing the trails, to teaching in the youth programs. We’d love to arrange a time to meet up!

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Wardwell Farm is a 501-3c organization